A revolutionary treatment for diabetic foot ulcers
Tenex Health TX and the TX-Bone MicroTip allow physicians to go beyond the surface, treat under the ulcer, and safely remove the bony prominence that contributes to wound formation and recurrence.
Except for invasive open surgical procedures, other treatments address the ulcer only at the surface level and off-loading does not remove the cause of the ulcer.
Tenex Health TX is the only technology that:
- Addresses a structural root cause of the ulcer, not just its symptoms.
- Enables rapid wound healing after just one treatment†
- Gives lasting results without recurrence†
Burden of the disease
A solution to diabetic foot ulcer recurrence
DFU patient benefits
The Tenex Health TX System with TX-Bone MicroTip offers diabetic foot ulcer patients additional benefits, including:
- A minimally invasively, subcutaneous procedure performed through a small incision
- Spares healthy soft tissue while cutting and removing the diseased tissue
- Safe for patients
- Quick procedure time
- Only one procedure required
- Uses local anesthetic
- Performed in an out-patient setting

Clinical Documentation
American Diabetes Association Diabetes Journal – A study of 105 ulcers treated with Tenex Health TX.
“Subcutaneous Ultrasonic Needle Treatment for Chronic Refractory Diabetic Foot Ulcers” – A white paper on the procedural safety, efficacy, and reproducibility of treating diabetic foot ulcers with the Tenex Health TX System. Independently authored by Drs. Christopher Bromley, DPM, Lewis Freed, DPM, and Devon Glazer, DPM. Supported by Trice Medical.
A Safe and Quick Subcutaneous Approach
DFU outcome on 105 patients, all with prior advanced wound care. Data on file.*
Recurrence Rate After Healing
< 5%
40 – 60%