Podiatry Hard Tissue Applications

For podiatric medicine, the Tenex Health TX-Bone MicroTip goes beyond soft tissue to treat bony prominences and calcific tissue. For patients, this powerful device provides something previously unavailable – a minimally invasive, single-procedure approach to relieving pain at the source.
This safe and effective alternative to open surgery uses image guidance to enable precise cutting and removal of symptomatic bone and calcific tissue, performed percutaneously through a mini incision. Tenex is appropriate for patients where conservative therapies have failed. The simple outpatient procedure takes minutes under local anesthesia and requires only a small bandage instead of sutures. As a result, recovery is typically fast and free of both opioids and physical therapy.
Podiatry - Common applications for bone and tendinopathy with calcification, esteophytes, and spur formations in the foot and ankle:
- Achilles tendon insertion/Haglund's deformity
- Plantar fascia insertion spur
- Exostoses and spurs
- Diabetic Foot Ulcer
MicroTip Specifications and Characteristics for bone, calcific tissue, and diabetic foot ulcer: