Find-A-Doctor Mi-Eye 3 and Seg-WAY

Let us help you find a doctor

If you would like information about doctors in your area, please submit the request form on this page and a Trice Medical representative will contact you for assistance.

Use of Find-A-Doctor locator terms & conditions. You must first accept the following disclaimer before submitting a Find-A-Doctor request . Once you have accepted this disclaimer, your search results will be available. Thank you for reading and understanding this disclaimer before accepting it: (i) If you think you have an emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately. (ii) Please note that Trice Medical provides this listing as a service. Trice Medical does not have any ownership or direct financial interest in any of the specific doctors or clinics listed on our “Find a Doctor” locator. We have no vested interest in any specific physicians, nor do we provide any recommendation, assurance, or guarantee with respect to their service. The physicians listed on this site have notified Trice Medical that they use Trice Medical. There are no other listing criteria, and Trice Medical does not endorse, recommend or certify any of these physicians. Trice Medical makes no guarantee or assurance concerning the physician’s training, competency, qualifications, credentials, skill, our outcomes of the listed providers. What may be a good provider for some may be a poor provider for others. Information on this site should not be used as a substitute for talking with your physician. Always talk with your physician about diagnosis and treatment information. (iii) The information on this site as to a practitioner is provided “as is” for general information only. (iv) Trice Medical does not guarantee or make any warranties, express or implied, as to the quality of medical advice or care given by any listed physician. (v) Trice Medical makes no guarantee or assurance concerning the accuracy or completeness of the listing. Trice Medical does verify the contact information of the physician prior to initially releasing the post to the website.While Trice Medical attempts to maintain a current list, physicians may stop using Trice Medical products and not notify Trice medical. Trice Medical reserves the sole right to add or delete content without further notice. (vi) The names of doctors listed in the results are based solely upon the data entered by the user. If the user enters a ZIP code, the locator will display first on the list the doctor who is closest to the geographical center of the user’s ZIP code. (vii) Use of the “Find a Doctor” page is subject to the Trice Medical, including the Limitations of Liability.
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